March {08-09}

We departed Toronto with excitement and energy.  For me, it was my first time traveling to Kenya, let alone Africa.  When we arrived in Kenya, we were all very tired.  The airport was like the airport in China twenty years ago.  This airport had very old school decorations. We were heading to the Aero Club of East Africa, the hotel that we were going to be staying for one night.  It was also going to be the best place we were going to live in next two weeks.

Kenya is similar to the rural country side of China.  It is very chill and beautiful, unlike the fast pace of the urban city. The food in the hotel was very good, but the jetlag was driving me crazy.  Four of us, Thomas, David, Winker and I, stayed up util 3 o’clock playing cards.  The rest pf the guys, Nayyir, Andrew and Justin tried to go to bed. ---By J.Zhu